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Achievement and Service Awards

The following is a list of Achievement & Service Awards. For all these awards, the issuing authority is the Commander, SFSO. To apply, for one of these awards, please complete SFSO Awards Submission Form.

STARFLEET CrossThis award is given by the Commander, Starfleet to recognize a member who has rendered exceptional service to STARFLEET in general either by demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence. As neededYes
SFI Honor GuardMembers of the STARFLEET International who serve on Color Guards, Honor Guards or Drill Teams at STARFLEET events are eligible for this award. Recipients of this award have spent time and effort in close order drill or other parade skills and are deserving of special recognition.As neededYes
SFI Great BarrierAward to any STARFLEET member who has undertaken extreme or lengthy travel on behalf of STARFLEET. A possible standard for example might be 6 hours of travel time in a single direction.As neededYes
SFI Community Service CitationAwarded to Operatives of This award is authorized to SFI Members who have made a significant personal impact in a community service effort. This effort does not necessarily have to be on behalf of a SFI/SFMC/SFSO campaign effort for the current year, however financial donations are specifically excluded as the basis for eligibility,
volunteering your time and hard work count, simply writing a check does not.
As neededYes, per every 40 hours up to 600 hours of service.
SFI United Federation of Planets Embassy AwardAwarded to any member for participation at a STARFLEET function, such as the annual International Conference or a Regional Summit. The key word here is participation, not attendance. The member must have done more than simply attend (i.e., served on a panel, worked on the Security detail, etc.)As neededYes
SFI Joint Service AwardThis award is given to SFI Members for participation in events with other Science Fiction oriented fan organizations, to include other Star Trek-related fan organizations other than SFI. This may be cooperative or competitive and must be done while obviously participating as a STARFLEET member.As neededYes
Legion of ArmsThis award is authorized to members of SFI who have actively served 180 days or more in the active or reserve components of their country's armed forces. In the case of the United States, this includes the Marine Corps, Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force. It does not include the Merchant Marine or service auxiliaries like the Civil Air Patrol. It does include the Reserve Officer Training Courses (such as ROTC), or similar organizations. The member must have completed two years of service and summer camp (basic training, MS3) for the United States Armed Services. Other countries' qualifying service will be authorized on an as needed basis. This award may be worn at the same time as the Cadet Legion of Arms if the wearer has qualified to wear both awards. However, it is discouraged and the preferred wear for those who are qualified for both awards is that the Legion of Arms is the only one worn.As neededNo
Cadet Legion of ArmsThis award is authorized to members of the SFI who are graduates of JROTC or similar Military Cadet Force organizations. The awardee must have served at least two years and, in the case of JROTC, must have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Qualifying criteria and organization from countries outside the United States will be evaluated as needed to ensure they qualify for this award.As neededNo
SFI Medical Proficiency RibbonThis award is authorized to any member who have completed either of the conditions below:

* Completed a CPR course that is the equivalent to a Heartsaver course by the American Heart Association.
* Completed a Basic Cardiac Life Support course or equivalent.

Documentation of training must be provided by the certifying organization and verified by the issuing authority.
This ribbon is unlike most others in that it may only be worn as long as the individual’s certification is in effect.No
SFI Advanced Medical Proficiency RibbonThis award is authorized to Members who have:

* A current CPR certification that is equivalent to a Basic Cardiac Life Support Course by the American Heart Association.
* A First Aid Course that is the equivalent to an Advanced First Aid Course by the American Red Cross:
* Or has completed an Emergency Medical Technician Course (Basic).

Documentation of training must be provided by the certifying organization, and verified by the issuing authority.
This ribbon is unlike most others in that it may only be worn as long as the individual’s certification is in effect.No





Pike Distinguished Service CrossAwarded to an Operative who, while serving in any capacity in Special Operations, distinguished themselves by exceptional meritorious service to STARFLEET. The performance must be such as to merit recognition for service that is clearly exceptional. Exceptional performance of normal duty will not justify this award. As neededYes
Special Operations CommendationAwarded to any Operative who has distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement, or meritorious service to STARFLEET and SFSO/MACO.As neededYes
Special Operations AchievementAwarded to any Operative who has distinguished themselves by meritorious service or achievement of a lesser degree than required for award of the SFSO/MACO Commendation Award. As neededYes
Meritorious SOU CommendationThis award is given to a Special Operations SOU that illustrates meritorious service either by demonstrating consistent out-standing performance over time, or by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence.AnnuallyYes
General Martok ServiceAwarded at the completion of 1 year of service while assigned to Special Operations and in increments of 5yrs thereafter. Service beyond 10 years will be signified by a single gold cluster device for every 5 (five) years served in Special Operations.As neededNo

Special Operations ConclaveThis award is given once per year to any Operative who attends an International Special Operations Conclave.
Virtual attendance is signified by an individual ribbon while physical attendance is signified by a gold frame.

Special Projects AwardThis award is presented to any Operative or SOU/ MACO Teams who have shown exceptional service by completing a special project or projects while representing SFSO and/or STARFLEET. This award is presented for activities outside of the realm of Community Service.As neededYes
Special Activities RibbonThis award is presented to any Operative or SOU/MACO Team that has participated in special activities. Activities are defined as games or events performed in a variety of venues. Association indicates planning/preparation stages and/or participation in the actual activity.As neededYes
Recruiting RibbonThe Special Operations Recruiting Ribbon is awarded to an Operative who successfully recruits 10 members into Special Operations.As neededNo
Master Recruiting RibbonIf an Operative has been particularly successful in recruiting and has successfully recruited 30 individuals into the Special Operations, they are authorized the Master Recruiting Ribbon.As neededNo


For each subsequent act or period of meritorious service or achievement that justifies the award of a ribbon that has already been awarded previously; stars will be issued for each occurrence as follows.
1st - Initial Ribbon
2nd - 1 Bronze Star6th - 1 Silver Star10th - 1 Gold Star14th - Large Bronze Star
3rd - 2 Bronze Stars7th - 2 Silver Stars11th - 2 Gold Stars15th - Large Silver Star
4th - 3 Bronze Stars8th - 3 Silver Stars12th - 3 Gold Stars16th - Large Gold Star
5th - 4 Bronze Stars9th - 4 Silver Stars13th - 4 Gold Stars17th - Large White Star