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Advanced Training

SFSO Training Record – October 2023

*Note: Operatives must complete basic training level 2 before applying for an advanced training.

Alpha – Indirect Action
ALPHA Operatives are the backbone of the Special Operations Teams. These Operatives are the Ground Forces equivalent of the Shipboard Security and Tactical Personnel.

Alpha Training Application

Beta – Special Reconnaissance
BETA Operatives are elite Operatives specializing in deep penetrating, long range missions. They are tasked by Command to engage in surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition, damage assessment and terrain weather monitoring.

Beta Training Application

Gamma – Raiders
GAMMA Operatives are extensively trained in land war combat, specializing in jungle, desert, or arctic combat, along with the appropriate survival skills. They also specialize in training indigenous personnel to act as force multipliers

Gamma Training Application

Delta – Direct Action
DELTA Operatives are Operatives trained in space, sea, air and land operations. It’s not unheard of for a Delta Operative to be dropped from orbit, para-drop through the sky, land in the sea, swim 10 miles, infiltrate an enemy base and place demolitions.

Delta Training Application

Epsilon – Intelligence
EPSILON Operatives gather intelligence, either by covert or overt means, belong to this branch. These Operatives are responsible for infiltrating another society, gathering information and sending it back to the analyst. Epsilon Operatives often work alone or in small groups.

Epsilon Training Application

Omega – Counter-Intelligence
OMEGA Operatives are highly qualified in all aspects of Special Operations, from Alpha to Gamma. They also have additional skills to make them better.

Omega Training Application